mercredi 27 mars 2013

My frist commentary On a book: Off the crossbar

April 15th

I like the book because the subject was hockey and a really like that sport. The book presents some good strategies I could use when I’m playing hockey because I play hockey for the fun. But, a thing a don’t like is that the words are sometimes hard to know.

lundi 18 mars 2013

Reading Record 2

A boy of 12 years old named Tim Swanson wanted to be a professionnal magacian. After school, he liked to do tricks to impressed the other kids. But, his sister that did karate always ridiculise him. A day, he realy wanted that the other liked him so he started to make a table to do the rabbit trick. To do that he needed the rabbit of the sister’s of his best friend. Does its best friend will accepted?...